Mercury 1-1
The Little Red Hen
But I Don't Like
Mercury 1-2
How the Rabbit
Lost His Tail &
A Trip to the Supermarket
Mercury 2-1
The Magic
Paintbrush &
My Red Bike
Mercury 2-2
The Big, Giant Tu
rnip &
Mercury 3-1
The Old Man and
the Golden Fish &
Let's Go on a
Mercury 3-2
Johnny Cake &
Tommy and
Mercury 4-1
The water Buffalo and the Snail &
My Favorite
Mercury 4-2
The Smiling Rab
bit &
A Rocket
to theBiggest Star
Mercury 5-1
The Baker's Daughter
My Good Friends
Mercury 5-2
Ravens & Be My Valentine
Mercury 6-1
The Golden
Swan &
Mercury 6-2
The Dragon of Krakow &
Nature Walk
Venus 1-1
Uwungelema &
Bibimbap Band
Venus 1-2
A Broken Promi
se & My New So
ccer Buddy
Venus 2-1
The Wise Old Wo
man & What Do
You Want for Your
Venus 2-2
The Man Who
Was a Liar
My Messy Room
Venus 3-1
Real Brotherly Lo
ve &
My Time with
Venus 3-2
Eat, Coat, Eat
Look at Me
Venus 4-1
The Magic Porrid
ge Pot
for Animals
Venus 4-2
Elephant and
& Hide
and Seek
Venus 5-1
Mr. Stingy and
His Wife & John
and Jane
Venus 5-2
Water and Salt
& New Store Saturday
Venus 6-1
Little Peachling
& Pizza for Two
Venus 6-2
Toads and
Super Circus
Earth 1-1
Little Cockroach
Martina &
My W
onderful Clothes
Earth 1-2
Three Wishes & I Am a Happy Bird
Earth 2-1
The Cat and the
and Robert
Earth 2-2
The Rabbit with Red Wings&
All About Jane
Earth 3-1
Outwitting a Crocodile & No,Not a Dress
Earth 3-2
Why the Sea Is Salty
&Hurry, Jane, Hurry
Earth 4-1
Peter Pan and His Friends
& Great Collections
Earth 4-2
Peter Pan in Neverland
& A Perfect Lunch
Earth 5-1
Heidi & A Big Goal
Earth 5-2
TheWizard of
& A Magic Ticket
Earth 6-1
TheTale of Peter Rabbit
& Lily's Fantastic Ride
Earth 6-2
Gulliver's Travels
& Turtles and Seashells
Mars 1-1
The Strongest of ALL &
My Beauti
ful Chair
Mars 1-2
A Quiet House & I Have a Cold
Mars 2-1
Brer Rabbit's Rid
ing Horse&
my's Busy Day
Mars 2-2
The Magic Mirror & A Nice Surpirse
Mars 3-1
Jack and the Bea
nstalk & My Little
Sister, Ellen
Mars 3-2
The Rabbit and
the Tiger & A
Dat at tge Zoo
Mars 4-1
Pinocchio the Brave & A
Good Team
Mars 4-2
Tom Sawyer Paints the Fence & Take Me to the Ball Game
Mars 5-1
Alice in Wonderland
& Simon
, Be Careful
Mars 5-2
A Little Princess & Olympics in My Town
Mars 6-1
Black Beauty & Welcome to
Our Food Fair
Mars 6-2
The Prince and the Pauper & Bill's Discovery
Jupiter 1-1
Les Miserables
Why Are You
Jupiter 1-2
A Case of Identity
& Maggie's Surprise Party
Jupiter 2-1
The Red-Haired League &
Moving to a New Place
Jupiter 2-2
The Last Leaf & The Talent Show
Jupiter 3-1
The Enchanted Castle& The Best Teammate
Jupiter 3-2
Ivan the Fool &
A Simple Lite
Jupiter 4-1
TheStory of
Doctor Dolittle
& They Are All Yours
Jupiter 4-2
Hansel and Gretel & Out
of Luck
Jupiter 5-1
The Jungle Book
& A Trip to cairo
Jupiter 5-2
The Adventures of Robin Hood & Happy to Be Healthier
Jupiter 6-1
The Last Lesson & Fighting Back
Jupiter 6-2
A Dog of Flanders & Show Me How
Saturn 1-1
The Gift of the Magi & The Fun
niest Party Ever
Saturn 1-2
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn & Marissa's Big Accomplishment
Saturn 2-1
Anne of Green Gables &
First Book
Saturn 2-2
The Merchant of Venice & Can We Talk?
Saturn 3-1
Treasure Island
& Ellen's Diary
Saturn 3-2
The Three Musket
eers & The Green Pond Project
Saturn 4-1
The Speckled
Band & Rocky
to the Rescue
Saturn 4-2
The Happy Prince & Real Musicians
Saturn 5-1
Don Quixote &
The Rodeo
Saturn 5-2
The Story of King Arthur & An Exciting Discovery
Saturn 6-1
The Hunchback
of Notre Dame &
Astronaut Training
Saturn 6-2
The Swiss Family Robinson & The Stolen Bike
Uranus 1-1
Endangered Animals
Uranus 1-2
Uranus 2-1
Uranus 2-2
Uranus 3-1
Uranus 3-2
Uranus 4-2
Uranus 4-1
Achieving Dreams
Nepturn 1-1
The Body
Nepturn 1-2
Nepturn 2-1
Nepturn 2-2
Nepturn 3-1
Nepturn 3-2
Nepturn 4-2
Achieving Dreams
Nepturn 4-1
The into the Future